Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hiring Workers

Parker Tugaw
2nd period
U.S. History

Hiring workers (Summary):

* Chinese Peasants from the Canton Province began arriving on California's shores in 1850, pushed away from their homeland. The attitudes changed from the Irish workers, when they complained over the wages they received. Strobridge, the recruiter of the workers, then hired 50 more chinese workers to lower the workers wages. The Chinese workers were well behaved, which is no wonder why they were hired so much. However they were not paid much, like the Irish. One day, Strobridge was so convinced with his team, that they tried for a 10 mile track day. "Straightners led the chinese gangs shoving the rails in place and keeping them to gauge while spikers walked down the ties, each man driving one particular spike and not stopping for another, moving on to the next rail; levelers and fillers followed, raising ties where needed, shoveling dirt benerath, tamping and moving on...."


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