Monday, March 17, 2014

Causes of the Great Depression (Parker)

I Intro: The great depression was a time of loss in hope, and no faith in the banks/government.

II Causes: The causes of the great depression were the stock market crash, overproduction, and deficit spending.
A: over-speculation- People wanted to makes sure they were putting their hard worked money into good stocks. People then began selling their stocks because of the soon coming market crash.

B: Govt Policy- The New Deal, helped unemployed people get jobs during the tough times of the great depression.

C: Unstable Economy- America at the time was trying to be the worlds banker, food producer, and manufacturer. Unfortunately, it didn't help because businesses were failing, going out of business.

1. uneven prosperity- There was uneven distribution of wealth, people were either hobos, or the small percent of people were very rich! There was very little middle class.

2. overproduction- This was an excess amount of items that were not purchased. Companies kept high production rates of many products, problem was that they were not getting purchased!

3. worker issues / farm issues- Construction was big during the great depression. Workers lost their jobs.

III Effects

A: Poverty- People were so upset, they were barely getting food. People were lined up at soup kitchens, they soon went on the Hunger march!

B: Society- Sports provided a distraction from the great depression. However, it brought a rapid rise in crime because of the great depression!

C: World- 4 million americans were looking for work, they couldn't find it!

IV Solutions

A Hoover- Hoover tried to help the great depression, unfortunately, he made it worse.

1 Volunteerism- People volunteered at the soup kitchen for the hungry and poor.

2 Public Works- An example of this is the hoover dam, this took 5 years and costed $165 million
to build!

3 Hawley Smoot- This act raised tariffs to an incredibly high level of money. This was to protect farmers from going out of business.This was a consequence of the great depression

4 RFC- This was an independent agency of the united states government, the RFC was supposed help banks get back in business, plus boost the countries confidence!

B Roosevelt- Roosevelt helped weaken the worst effects of the great depression. Roosevelt took immediate action to address the country’s economic woes, first announcing a four-day “bank holiday” during which all banks would close so that Congress could pass reform legislation and reopen those banks determined to be sound.

1 new deal- This helped give jobs to the unemployed people, so they focused on building things like post offices, bridges, schools, highways and parks.

a alphabet soup
            example- New deal

            example- minimum wage and maximum hours

            example- outlawed child labor

            example- NRA

b Criticsim?- There was no end to the alphabet soup, The S.E.C. (Securities and exchange commission) was a guard dog for the stock market.

2 2nd new deal
a- Works progress administration act (WPA)

b- F.D.R.

c- Social Security act

V Criticism

A Political Criticism (ex. Came from both Huey Long, and Charles Coughlin ).

B Conservatives- Provide tax relief, loans, and encouragement to businesses.

B Liberals (ex: criticised the new deal also. They....)

Ex- Liberty and equality.

ex- freedom of press, rights, trade, etc.

VI Effectiveness

A Changes in US- The Dust Bowl sent many people off their property, with low supply of food.

B Unions- unemployed workers movement. hunger strike.

C Culture-During these tough times, people were interested in religion. With any source of hope with god.

VII Conclusion
The great depression was a world wide economic downfall that hit after world war 2. Sending people in a downward fall to becoming hobos, with barely any food, soup kitchens became common. And there was a small percentage of people who had money.

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