Friday, April 25, 2014

Earth Day

Earth Day

The film "A Green Fierce Fire" was about how we have evolved our environment to a cleaner state today. There was two men who saw a harpoon that shot and killed many sperm whales. This was a tragic event not just because of the killing, but also the mass amounts of blood coming out of the whale, polluting the ocean. There were mass parts of land being taken down by the government. People didn't like this because of the nature the people had right in their own backyard. They wanted clean water as well, because pollution screwed up the water with chemicals in it.

Some things that speak out to me that tell me there is something wrong with our environment is that:

*Our mass killings of dolphins, this isn't only just illegal to kill them but bad to pollute our ocean with blood and guts.

*Garbage/Liter in the ocean, this harms many fish in the ocean. Fish think this is food when in reality, the garbage chokes them to death. Not only just lowering the population of fish, plus ruining our ocean water. 


1."Watch Film: A Fierce Green Fire." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Questions for Chapter 12 Section 1

1. What is the Cost Plus Contract?

It is when the contractor is paid in full plus a stated percentage of the profit.

2. What is the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?

Is was a Corporation created to make loans to banks, mortgages associations and railroads and to help keep them afloat.

3. What kind of factories did we use to make our tanks?

Monday, April 14, 2014

US History Radio Show Script

Tanner Nielsen, Parker Tugaw, TJ Cecil


Opening Intro T: *Cue Jazz Music*
“Hello, and welcome to TPT Radio Station 120.01 your local broadcast station bringing you News, Sports, and Coooool Jazz all day long. Because isn't that what life is all about? Just cooool jazz...and now to TJ with the World of Sports.

Sports TJ: *Cue sports intro *
"Babe Ruth is coming off an amazing year here in the 1930. He's one of the best spectacles to watch in baseball ever! Everyone is watching him play, tickets to his games are even upwards of 15¢! He is so impossibly good that no one can even compare him to past players! Go buy your tickets today for their game that's next up against the Red Sox! Or tune in here for the report right after these messages from our advertiser Parker"

Feminine Advertisement Parker: *Cue Woman in a Bathing Suit*

"Men wouldn't look at me when I was skinny. But... Since I gained 10 pounds this new, easy way I have all the dates I want. Now there is no need to be "skinny" and friendless, even if you could never gain an ounce. Here's a new easy treatment that is giving thousands attractive flesh... In just a few weeks! 

Purchase a pack of ionized yeast and the first pack is GUARANTEED to make you look flawless. If your disappointed, money back GUARANTEE!"

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

submarine warfare in world war 2

Submarine Warfare In World War II

During the Second World War, the U.S. Navy sank over 30 percent of Japans Navy, including eight aircraft carriers! However, World War II Submarines aren't effective as today’s submarines. These had very limited battery life; diesel engines were fast on land, but not in water.  The submarine engines could go long distances, but not with the rough conditions underwater. These still had the firepower! Deck guns, and 24 torpedos’ was the average amount of weaponry on each submarine. These Subs were launched into rivers, so instead of plunging into the water "stem first" (the front). They were launched sideways because otherwise, the rocks and stones will puncture the "stem", leaking water into the sub. 

When WWII began, the submarines had no radar! Until august, 1942, the first radar was installed on the submarines! Even though this first radar system had a few kinks and glitches, it still did its job. Subs were now able to detect enemy and ally ships/subs. The captains of the subs had no idea how to control most of the parts/button on the subs. They had to "learn as you go", meaning you had to learn how to perform the controls in the sub during the war. Torpedo troubles came along; a little less than half of the crew didn't know how to launch the torpedos. This was part of the blame for the deaths on subs. However, the U.S. Navy had the most advanced torpedo’s putting them ahead of Japans game. 

 Towards the end of 1943, the situation of the U.S. Submarines began to improve its fleet. Their fleet of ships became more populated, and computer glitches were occurring less often. The officers and men had to change their tactics, before, during, and after the war. The U.S. Submarine Warfare was an improvement in combat, and helped save lives of american people.   


Zoot Suits Riots

Zoot Suit Riots in 1943

       Zoot Suit Riots were a series of riots that took place in Los Angeles, California. They were between American sailors ( as well as Marines) and the Latino youths who were recognized by wearing the "zoot" suits. Some African Americans and Filipino Americans were involved but those were the two major groups involved. The ZS Riots were the product of the Sleepy Lagoon murder trial which followed the death of a young Latino boy in a neighborhood near LA. The trial also caused a lot of attacks against Latinos in various other cities around the United States.

      Many American men in the Army or the Marines were questioning the Patriotism of the Mexicans who lived in Los Angeles as well as other parts of the US. Since there weren't very many healthy young Mexican Americans in the US it then prompted many US Soldiers to question their Patriotism. They also disagreed with the fact that they were wearing extravagant clothing (zoot suits) during a time of war. Since there were many poor and young Mexicans in Los Angeles they questioned how they had been able to get those nice suits legally.
