Friday, April 25, 2014

Earth Day

Earth Day

The film "A Green Fierce Fire" was about how we have evolved our environment to a cleaner state today. There was two men who saw a harpoon that shot and killed many sperm whales. This was a tragic event not just because of the killing, but also the mass amounts of blood coming out of the whale, polluting the ocean. There were mass parts of land being taken down by the government. People didn't like this because of the nature the people had right in their own backyard. They wanted clean water as well, because pollution screwed up the water with chemicals in it.

Some things that speak out to me that tell me there is something wrong with our environment is that:

*Our mass killings of dolphins, this isn't only just illegal to kill them but bad to pollute our ocean with blood and guts.

*Garbage/Liter in the ocean, this harms many fish in the ocean. Fish think this is food when in reality, the garbage chokes them to death. Not only just lowering the population of fish, plus ruining our ocean water. 


1."Watch Film: A Fierce Green Fire." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.

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