Wednesday, January 15, 2014

WWI Causes

The main causes of World War I

The main causes of world war I were:

1. Nationalism- This was the support of one nation, being loyal to your country.

2. Alliance System- It is the formal support to help countries in case of danger, or worst of all, war.

3. Imperialism- The building power of taking over another colonies. Countries were arguing over colonies, this caused war.

4. Militarism- Its the preparation for war. At the time, britain had the strongest navy and germany was trying to expand their own army. This established strong preparation for the war.

The assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand officially sparked the start of world war I. However, that wasn't the only reason. It was really caused between a contest against Europe and a group of alliances. The killing of the archduke led to Austria-Hugary to invade Serbia, where the assassination took place at. This caused Russia to come to Serbia, to aid them. Germany then declared war on russia to back up Austria-Hungary. France then declared war on Austria-Hungary and Germany to back up its ally, Russia. England then, declared war to back up its allies, France and Russia. Later the U.S. joined the whole cluster, creating World War I. 

Zimmermann Note- 1917

Sussex pledge- 1916

Unrestricted sub warfare- 1915

Luistania- 1904


1. Luistania- Luistania was a British Ocean liner, holder of the Blue Riband and briefly the worlds biggest ship. She was launched by the Cunard Line in 1907, at a time of time of fierce competition for the North Atlantic Trade.

2.Unrestricted Sub Warare- Unrestricted sub warfare is a type of naval warfare which submarines sink vessels such as freighters and tankers without warning, as opposed to attack per prize rules.

3. Sussex Pledge- The Sussex Pledge was a promise made in 1916 during World War 1 by Germany to the United States prior to the entry into the war.

4. Zimmermann Note- The Zimmermann Note was a 1917 diplomatic proposal from the German Empire for Mexico to join the Central Powers, in the event of the United States entering World War 1 on the side of the Entente Powers. 


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